I mentioned in a very recent post that I spent a lot of last semester sick. And as anyone who has been blessed with a wicked case of the swine flu can tell you, that stuff will knock you down for the count. Due to my non-functioning body, exercise went right out the window for me last semester, and boy did I pay for it at the beginning of this one. Which is too bad, because 2010 is THE YEAR OF THE MINI.
That’s right, in a foolish, prideful moment, I promised my best friend from high school, Mandy, that I would run the Fort Wayne mini with her this fall. I tried to get back into the swing of things in the first week of school. I may have quit after a mile. Okay, a half mile.
It’s probably not necessary to describe how disappointed I was in myself. I immediately decided the mini was over for me and I was going to go back to a life of slovenly joy. Then I rapidly gained five pounds, and I was back on track for the mini. I got on the elliptical last week just to get my confidence back up, and I cut the speed on the treadmill by a lot on Wednesday night, but I made it 3.5 miles, which is farther than I’ve been able to run in about 8 months. And the mini is all about distance, not speed, so I’m okay with that.
I feel like second semester of law school is like that. We knew so much by the end of the first semester. I have a really good basic knowledge of Civil Procedure. I feel like I could defeat a claim for summary judgment. Subleases and Landlord Tort Liability? Not so much. But maybe that’s just because I can’t see the whole picture yet.
I’m an impatient person. I like to have all the answers, all the knowledge, and all the stamina right away. I give up fast when I don’t get it the first time. But if I just slow down a little, maybe I can get it the second time through. And now I can say by February, I should be able to run five miles. And I'm finally starting to understand what the hell is going on in Property.
One step at a time.