I don't have a to-do list. Well, not REALLY. I have a running list in my head of things I need to do. Or rather, I have several lists of things that I need to do. Things for me (GET A HAIRCUT), Things for other people (MOW THE LAWN), Things for work (2 Petitions, Doc Request, Formal Letter, Motion to Consolidate, and these legal blogs). The lists keep crossing in my head, every which way, and I'm not really doing a great job staying focused. Oh, I know what I have to do, and even what order I need to do it in. But while I'm working diligently on one list, another list creeps in and takes over my mind. There I am, doing data entry and before I know it my mind has moved on without me. "I need to make that appointment, and I really need to talk to that one person, and didn't someone e-mail me that I need to respond to? Did I already respond to them? Dammit." It's getting frustrating. And there's too much going on to be making lists. Sigh.
So you can imagine how badly I needed to just walk away from everything for a little while. And that's how I ended up in Milwaukee, land of the hipsters.
Well, not really. You see, my aunt is moving back into the home she and my sisters lived in when they were growing up. She's been renovating for a couple months now, and while she's not done, I have to say it's going to be gorgeous. However, she's renting out her old house, incidentally to a friend of mine. We'll call this friend Sweatervest. (Because he wears sweatervests. And trench coats. And spent his time looking at Italian leather shoes during class.) He needs to move in on Wednesday, so I spent this weekend moving stuff into the new house and helping to clean the floors and whatnot of the old house. My calves are killing me because my aunt's new digs? Are on the second floor of a great big old house. (Let's be clear, Sweatervest. You owe me a drink. I'll be in town this weekend to redeem my well-deserved reward.)
Beyond that, I pretty much spent time with my aunts, parents, and cousins just doing what families do: Nothing and mocking each other. Because I really have nothing else to say, I'll just throw you some quotes from this weekend.
"You know, hipsters. Twenty somethings with huge ironic mustaches wearing at least two scarves?"
"You have no screens on your windows! You're not afraid of bugs?" "No, my bigger concern is squirrels."
"He's pimpin' my crib."
"Did you see that fox?!" "Butch, that was a cat. Did you see that elephant? Oh wait. No, that was a mailbox."
As you can see, there's no love lost between my family members. Because there wasn't much there to begin with. ZING! Just kidding. We like each other. Usually.
Till Wednesday, then. I still have to write about DUI's. I'ze gots to get paid.