“Of course she felt insecure! Unless she was contracts-zen!” ~Prof. Jacobs
We’re discussing the “security principle” in contracts right now. Basically, the idea is you can cancel a contract if the other party commits a material breach. Material breach meaning, the other party really screws up and there’s quite a bit of contract to go. In that case, the other party may feel “insecure” and want to repudiate the contract.
I am less than zen right now too. Between finals, and scheduling next semester’s classes, and personal issues, and lack of sleep, I think that I could wallow in bed for the next 3 days and be very happy about it.
It’s over in 22 days, and the insecurity is mounting. But unlike in the world of contracts, I can’t ask for any sort of assurance that everything will be all right.
I feel like my life has materially breached.
Not only will you get through it, you'll kick butt!