Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I Feel Like I'm on a Jungle Safari!
I am currently in the same building as one Antonin Scalia. Soon we will even be in the same library, separated by a mere floor of books. I'm dressed appropriately to run into a SCOTUS justice of course, as one should be when presented with the opportunity to meet one. He's also giving a lecture tonight at the Harold Washington library. A lot of people aren't going, some of them because they don't agree with his opinions.
Neither do I. Part of my research this semester is on textualism, and Scalia is a very important textualist. I personally find this doctrine narrow, limiting, and defiant of actual legislative intent. However, this doesn't mean I don't want to hear him speak. First of all, it could be good for my research to hear his opinions on originalism and textualism. Second of all (and more importantly), you don't have to agree with someone to learn from them.
Now, I don't like to get preachy when I write, (see random pictures of puppies and videos of 80s songs,) but I do believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion and you should listen to it. You're never going to learn the weaknesses of your own argument if you don't listen to someone else's, regardless of how ridiculous you may think it is.* Use someone else's viewpoints to sharpen your own.
And be humble when it turns out you're wrong. It's okay to realize that maybe someone else's thoughts were better than yours. Use that information. Pick their brain, and let it lead you somewhere good or useful.
So while I don't agree with Scalia that all answers should be found in the "four corners" of a document, I'm excited to find out why he does believe that. And while I don't believe all of his opinions are good ones, I'm excited to hear how he arrived at them.
After all, you don't get to be a Supreme Court Justice by being stupid.
*See, "We don't even HAVE 7-11s on the South Side!"
Friday, September 17, 2010
Fashion Forward Fridays

- My vertebrae won't feel collapsed at the end of the day. Books are HEAVY. And carrying four books, a legal pad, my macbook, and a heavy water bottle all day is bad for your back. Apparently you're not supposed to carry more than 10% of your body weight on your back. But I'm not 300 pounds, so you can see how my bag is getting a little uncomfortable.
- I'll have more space. Apparently rolling backpacks are much bigger than they look, and have lots of compartments. So I won't have to dig through my bag as much, and I'll actually be able to carry MORE than I do now, which means less trips between home and school.
- They look pretty dorky. It's like you're saying, "I'm so serious, I need a SERIOUS backpack." I don't WANT to be the dorky kid. I want a cute side bag that I can carry with pride.
- They're pricey. The one pictured here retails for $169.95 at the company website. (It's only $101 at, though.) A decent backpack is only $30. Will it last long enough to make it worth the price? (I would appreciate some feedback on this.)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
I Want to Live a Simple Life
Friday, September 10, 2010
Our Love is Like A Poem, That Doesn't Work
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Year of The Cat

Enough Said.
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Great Pretender
Friday, September 3, 2010
Sing A Happy Little Working Song
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Take a Letter, Maria
Dear Girl-Whose-Name-I-Totally-Know-But-Feel-Like-I-Shouldn’t-Broadcast-Here:
The ninth floor bathroom is markedly tiny. Three bathroom stalls, one sink, and one place to dry your hands. It’s why people move through this bathroom so quickly. No one wants to wait in line before or after class for too long. Moreover, you know how many people are in that bathroom at any given time. It’s small. You can tell when You’re Not Alone.
Which is probably why when I finished using the bathroom and was ready to wash my hands I thought you would move. I never expected your vanity would stop me from cleanliness, which we all know is next to godliness. And, it was okay when it seemed that you were just putting your hair up and leaving, but then you took it back down. And then you slowly put it back up, piece by long blonde piece, checking your reflection in the mirror from every direction after each little bit of gathering you did. And then you put it back down.
To put it back up again. And at that point I had been waiting to wash my hands for a good three minutes. You knew I was there, and I knew you knew I was there. And trust me, it was all I could do to not make a sarcastic comment. (I’ve come a long way since I needed to comment on everything.) But I have to know: Is it painful being so self-absorbed that you can’t step away from the mirror for the time it takes me to sing “Happy Birthday” twice? (Washing your hands is a serious business.)
And it’s not like you’re short. No, you’re tall enough that taking three steps backward would mean that you could still see yourself in the mirror. And I would be hunched over washing my hands at the sink for short people anyway. Why are you still doing your hair?
Then someone else walked in and you dropped all the hair in your hands and walked out of the bathroom, knowing that someone else in the bathroom would see your vanity meant that it could easily be spread around. All that work, and you decided to wear your hair down.
You have totally made it into my future sitcom as “Vain Girl” #2.
Oh. And when I got done washing my hands, I got out of the way to make sure that the next person could wash theirs.
Thank you for nothing,
P.S. For someone who's so worried about their appearance, today you looked super trashy.
P.P.S. So there.