Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Truth or Consequences


The world is full of them.  And usually they're a hell of a lot more immediate than "if a butterfly flaps his wings in Tokyo..." (Which, let me say, is not really a theory that I buy.)  The consequences I'm currently dealing with?  I have PLENTY of time to study!  Instead I'll spend time with the Boy one weekend and then go take a four day weekend at home with my family the next weekend!


Didn't do that great on my final trial for trial ad and just started studying for finals TODAY.  (And I mean JUST STARTED.  Like, at noon today.)  So I'm both disappointed and feeling a little sick at the prospect of finishing everything on time.

But there are such things as POSITIVE consequences too!  Like the fact that I feel incredibly relaxed and my brain is full of oxytocin from the amount of chocolate I ate this weekend.  And I'm not that worried about my trial ad grade.  Why?  Because I worked my butt off for that class during the semester and rocked it weekly.  So, you know, I didn't put in the work at the end.  No big deal.

The trick is to think about the consequences ahead of time.

1.  KNOW THYSELF.  I don't accomplish things if I leave Chicago.  And I don't really accomplish anything other than reading in my apartment.  So I know that if I want to accomplish something, I have to go to the library.  If I don't go because I don't want to put pants on,* I know that I'm not going to get the work done.  Because I know how I operate.

2.  DON'T LIE.  Yeah, just because you know yourself doesn't mean you're getting anywhere.  This is where I usually get tripped up.  Sure, I know that if I stay in my apartment I won't get anything done, but I usually end up telling myself "You can totally work from home today!  You feel super motivated!"  My other favorite self-delusion is "Five more minutes of wasting time and I'll get back to work."  If you know the facts, go with them.

3.  FIND YOUR MOTIVATION.  I know I've talked about proper motivation before, but really, you can't be too motivated.  Sometimes that motivation is positive, like a margarita at the end of the day, or some tv watching before bed, but I like to think in terms of negative reinforcement when it comes to consequences.  That's why whenever I'm making a decision, big or small, I like to pretend all the consequences are in the voice of my mother.  That way I get that feeling of guilt-ridden guidance!

4.  THINK POSITIVE!  I know I just said to be negative, but make sure you consider the positive consequences that will flow from a decision as well as the negative ones.  Sure, sleeping in is a waste of time, but you know what's great about it?  That feeling of sneaky well-being.  Maybe you shouldn't go out on Friday night.  After all, you're broke and too busy studying.  But hey!  Life needs balance and you need to stop sitting and staring at a computer screen!  Just remember:  When considering your pros/cons list, really consider the pros of the situation.

*Which is what happened yesterday.

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