Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Can Go The Distance. (And So Can You!)

Oh man.  This has been one of those weeks.  On Monday, my body was sure it was Thursday, and it's been confused about why the weekend hasn't started ever since.  Today my goal was just to stay awake and I nearly failed.  Twice.  And since I'm not really in the mood to wax poetic, I gift you with a List.
How To Keep Going Even Though You Want Desperately to Say "Screw It"

1.  Just do it.  Sorry for the Nike endorsement, but seriously quit whining about your sad life and just get it done.  If you're reading and falling asleep (like yours truly) start taking notes in the margins.  If you're trying to write and it's like pulling teeth because you can't figure out what to say (also like yours truly) just start throwing words on a page and make it pretty later.  Seriously.  Don't stop what you're doing just because you're tired or frustrated.  If you stop now, you'll just have to do it later.  Not.  Worth.  It.

2.  Posture.  Have you REALLY thought about your posture?  Slumping in your chair is going to make you sleepier.  If you find your lids closing against  your will, readjust yourself.  Pick your butt slightly out of your chair, stretch your arms way over your head, and take a deep breath while sitting back down.  Make sure that as you make contact with the chair, your shoulders are set back and not rounded.  Open your eyes as wide as you can, just briefly, and breathe deeply into your diaphragm.  Let the oxygen get to your brain, and have your body send your mind a message that denotes your alertness.

3.  Bribery.  Look, I'm not proud of it, but we all get to the point where we've already had a really long day and there's a lot left.  On those days, I bribe myself.  I tell myself, "Two more hours and you can stop on the way home for a library book."  Or, "if you just finish this, you can get Thai takeout on the way home."  There's nothing better for making me get things done than telling myself I can have something I really want.  And it works every time.*

4.  Take a Break.  You can only look at words on a page or a screen for so long before they start to blur together.  Arrange short breaks for yourself on intervals of an hour or so.  My favorites?  If I'm in the library or the student lounge, I like to give myself ten minutes on gchat with a friend every hour.  It gives me something to look forward to when I'm working in solitude, plus it's pretty easy to get back to work.  If I'm at home, I like to pick a favorite song on Itunes and dance in my room.  It gets the blood pumping again, and I get to be goofy for just a few minutes.  Having that extra energy from shaking my sillies out works wonders.

5.  Disney Music.  Yes, I know it's cheesy, but when half the songs are about doing the best you can and being awesome, how can it NOT be great inspiration for when you're feeling a little low?  Sometimes I feel like law school is just one big production of Mulan.**

That's about it.  What do you do when you have to keep going, no matter how much your brain/body is begging you to stop?

*I have to admit, sometimes my bribe is as simple as "If you get this done, you can go home.  That's usually enough to get me to do my work.
**Not really.  But it probably is trying to make a man out of me and allow me to bring honor to my family.  Or something.

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