Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Proverbially Speaking, Of Course

Sorry for my mysterious absence. I’m sure that you’ve suffered greatly at the loss of my chaotic and whimsical musings, but it will all be all right.

Because there is a light at the end of the tunnel, hallelujah amen.

Today I was looking at the academic calendar for the year, trying to figure out my schedule and what books I will need for the upcoming semester. Seeing the link for first-year orientation, I almost clicked on it, but then I thought “Nope, I don’t have to go to that this year. I’m not a 1L anymore.” And then it hit me like a brick wall:

I’m not a 1L anymore. None of us are 1L’s anymore. We actually know what some of the latin words mean and won’t feel like little kids and intruders on the elevators. We know that the Illinois state digests are on a different floor than the Northeastern Reporters for reasons that we can’t understand. More importantly, we DO understand the difference between a digest and a reporter.

We’re 1/3 of the way done with a three year goal. And 1/3 is more than it seems. Have you ever eaten 1/3 of a chocolate cake? Me neither. I never got that far before I’d had more than enough. But I’m not done devouring law school yet, and unlike the chocolate cake, I think I can finish it off.

There is a light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

It just occurred to me though, that the proverbial light is probably a proverbial train known as the proverbial bar exam.

Just kidding. The bar exam isn’t proverbial. It’s a waking nightmare.

I should probably cross that proverbial bridge when I come to it.